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Keep Me Dry Lawn, Keep Me Dry LawnKeep Me Dry Lawn<div class="ExternalClassA0A4A5679A1E4D1CBE3123ECDF388E5D"><h2 class="uk-margin-remove-top">Creating a lawn tapestry</h2><div class="glossary"><p>Tapestry lawns create mixed plant communities that add depth and texture to the landscape. Plant choices can include various flowers, scents and colourful foliage. These plants can produce over 20 times more flowers than turf monocultures, providing an excellent source of nectar and pollen for pollinators. Tapestry lawns can be mowed as few as 5 times per year, reducing CO<sub>2​</sub> emissions. They also don’t require de-thatching, moss killer, nor fertilizer, while staying greener longer during times of drought as they can absorb rainfall much quicker than common grass.<br></p></div></div>,<div class="ExternalClass03A3B5F36EF1431096B2E22E6A816B99"><h2>​​Properly maintain your tapestry lawn</h2><p>This selection of plants like it hot and dry, so water occassionally during establishment, then not at all. As these ground cover plants are low growers, they generally do not need mowing. In the spring lightly rake the area to remove dead stems and foliage, then top dress with a thin 1.5cm (1/2”) of finely textured compost to help the plants spread out, fill in any bare spots and reinvigorate the whole lawn for the summer. Some of the ground covers are more tolerant than others of foot traffic, so plan your garden accordingly and use paving stones for pathways and high traffic areas. </p></div><br><div class="ExternalClass8D62D23CBB234CCCB66095C035CFD28B"><h2>​​Preparation</h2><div class="glossary"><div class="uk-grid uk-grid-small uk-flex"><div class="uk-width-2-3@s uk-width-1-1"><p>The best time of year to replace your turf lawn is when you can avoid frost and extreme heat, and when you can provide​ sufficient ​​water while plants are establishing. Prepare the soil for planting by completely eradicating ​all other vegetation unless you are planning a ​mixture of lawn and ground cover plants for your tapestry garden. Ideal soils for preferred ground cover plants is 20 to 40cm (8” to 16”) deep, coarse and sandy soil. You may wish to amend your soil help your new lawn establish and outcompete weeds and other vegetation.<br></p>​ <p>Create your tapestry pattern based on your preferences, formal and orderly with plants in groups of five or more, or free-flowing and random. The plants can be seeded or ​transplanted as plugs with spacing as per plant instructions. During establishment, be vigilent and manage weeds closely to ensure they don’t outcompete your chosen plants. Get to know your individual plants, their growth habits and culture to help them be successful.<br></p></div><div class="uk-width-1-3@s uk-width-1-1"> <img src="/lawns/PlansPic/tapestry-planting-dry.png" alt="" />  </div></div>​ </div>​​ </div>,



New Zealand burNew Zealand bur, New Zealand Bur18GP0|#daf8718a-96cb-4918-a2ae-b3f5fa6a6267;L0|#0daf8718a-96cb-4918-a2ae-b3f5fa6a6267|New Zealand Bur;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
yarrowyarrow, Yarrow19GP0|#9b79c6e6-3744-4144-ae43-23deaedcbdbe;L0|#09b79c6e6-3744-4144-ae43-23deaedcbdbe|Yarrow;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
pink pussy toespink pussy toes, Pink Pussy Toes20GP0|#fad4831d-3da0-4220-822d-dff32def2ab8;L0|#0fad4831d-3da0-4220-822d-dff32def2ab8|Pink Pussy Toes;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
Corsican sandwortCorsican sandwort, Corsican Sandwort21GP0|#b00c9b0f-ed45-44f8-a44f-7c206bc62080;L0|#0b00c9b0f-ed45-44f8-a44f-7c206bc62080|Corsican Sandwort;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
chamomilechamomile, chamomile22GP0|#8a9a7769-85c1-4715-9dfe-441d473a9dc8;L0|#08a9a7769-85c1-4715-9dfe-441d473a9dc8|Chamomile;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
creeping red thymecreeping red thyme, creeping red thyme23GP0|#31c72127-f9ba-4650-bd07-53dea1d0264a;L0|#031c72127-f9ba-4650-bd07-53dea1d0264a|Creeping Red Thyme;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
‘Pink Chintz’ thyme‘Pink Chintz’ thyme, Pink Chintz Thyme27GP0|#655bf480-9f97-41b4-9c36-66d80053a12a;L0|#0655bf480-9f97-41b4-9c36-66d80053a12a|Pink Chintz Thyme;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
wooly thymewooly thyme, wooly Thyme30GP0|#941a9880-e631-432d-968b-cd53edd2c4a1;L0|#0941a9880-e631-432d-968b-cd53edd2c4a1|Wooly Thyme;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
white cloverwhite clover, White Clover31GP0|#b0243e00-9496-4cdd-bcbe-2e2bc8adf111;L0|#0b0243e00-9496-4cdd-bcbe-2e2bc8adf111|White Clover;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
violetviolet, sweet violet32GP0|#61819851-b6d3-4fc2-9939-a5bbbe58c302;L0|#061819851-b6d3-4fc2-9939-a5bbbe58c302|Sweet Violet;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df



Keep Me Dry LawnKeep Me Dry Lawn<div class="ExternalClassA0A4A5679A1E4D1CBE3123ECDF388E5D"><h2 class="uk-margin-remove-top">Creating a lawn tapestry</h2><div class="glossary"><p>Tapestry lawns create mixed plant communities that add depth and texture to the landscape. Plant choices can include various flowers, scents and colourful foliage. These plants can produce over 20 times more flowers than turf monocultures, providing an excellent source of nectar and pollen for pollinators. Tapestry lawns can be mowed as few as 5 times per year, reducing CO<sub>2​</sub> emissions. They also don’t require de-thatching, moss killer, nor fertilizer, while staying greener longer during times of drought as they can absorb rainfall much quicker than common grass.<br></p></div></div>,<div class="ExternalClass03A3B5F36EF1431096B2E22E6A816B99"><h2>​​Properly maintain your tapestry lawn</h2><p>This selection of plants like it hot and dry, so water occassionally during establishment, then not at all. As these ground cover plants are low growers, they generally do not need mowing. In the spring lightly rake the area to remove dead stems and foliage, then top dress with a thin 1.5cm (1/2”) of finely textured compost to help the plants spread out, fill in any bare spots and reinvigorate the whole lawn for the summer. Some of the ground covers are more tolerant than others of foot traffic, so plan your garden accordingly and use paving stones for pathways and high traffic areas. </p></div><br><div class="ExternalClass8D62D23CBB234CCCB66095C035CFD28B"><h2>​​Preparation</h2><div class="glossary"><div class="uk-grid uk-grid-small uk-flex"><div class="uk-width-2-3@s uk-width-1-1"><p>The best time of year to replace your turf lawn is when you can avoid frost and extreme heat, and when you can provide​ sufficient ​​water while plants are establishing. Prepare the soil for planting by completely eradicating ​all other vegetation unless you are planning a ​mixture of lawn and ground cover plants for your tapestry garden. Ideal soils for preferred ground cover plants is 20 to 40cm (8” to 16”) deep, coarse and sandy soil. You may wish to amend your soil help your new lawn establish and outcompete weeds and other vegetation.<br></p>​ <p>Create your tapestry pattern based on your preferences, formal and orderly with plants in groups of five or more, or free-flowing and random. The plants can be seeded or ​transplanted as plugs with spacing as per plant instructions. During establishment, be vigilent and manage weeds closely to ensure they don’t outcompete your chosen plants. Get to know your individual plants, their growth habits and culture to help them be successful.<br></p></div><div class="uk-width-1-3@s uk-width-1-1"> <img src="/lawns/PlansPic/tapestry-planting-dry.png" alt="" />  </div></div>​ </div>​​ </div>,

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