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Lush Lawns

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Searching for lovely lawn alternatives? Look no further. Grow Green offers lots of options to grow a beautiful, sustainable lawn using either a combination of plants in a tapestry effect or adding waterwise plants to other grasses.

​Not sure which option is right for you? Tell us a bit about your gardening ambitions (and garden conditions), and we’ll give you plans suited to your space.​

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All Over Clover LawnAll Over Clover Lawn<div class="ExternalClassCD007DA5B3CF46D2AD414251BE5FE6BE"><h2 class="uk-margin-remove-top">Creating a mic​ro clover lawn</h2> <div class="glossary"><p>Lawns over-seeded with micro clover are an excellent option for maintaining a healthy, dense lawn. Micro clover lawns stay green much longer than traditional lawns through summer dry periods and are generally unaffected by Metro Vancouver’s wet winter conditions. Micro clover lawn mixes do not require fertilizer because the clover fixes nitrogen, bringing nitrogen from the air into the ground, enriching the soil. This supports healthy growth of all plants in the area and helps the plants to naturally resist weeds. Yarrow is another common plant that is often found in lawns. Some consider it a weed, but it can help create diversity in your lawn, making it more likely to thrive and be resistant to pests. </p></div></div>,|#6a5b99ea-d309-4181-b14f-7e1a580a317f;L0|#06a5b99ea-d309-4181-b14f-7e1a580a317f|All Over Clover Lawn;GTSet|#191f4161-014f-4820-a504-9de2fb90b566
Keep Me Dry LawnKeep Me Dry Lawn<div class="ExternalClassA0A4A5679A1E4D1CBE3123ECDF388E5D"><h2 class="uk-margin-remove-top">Creating a lawn tapestry</h2><div class="glossary"><p>Tapestry lawns create mixed plant communities that add depth and texture to the landscape. Plant choices can include various flowers, scents and colourful foliage. These plants can produce over 20 times more flowers than turf monocultures, providing an excellent source of nectar and pollen for pollinators. Tapestry lawns can be mowed as few as 5 times per year, reducing CO<sub>2​</sub> emissions. They also don’t require de-thatching, moss killer, nor fertilizer, while staying greener longer during times of drought as they can absorb rainfall much quicker than common grass.<br></p></div></div>,|#c3ce4409-67f8-437b-9ac4-dfb651dc857b;L0|#0c3ce4409-67f8-437b-9ac4-dfb651dc857b|Keep Me Dry Lawn;GTSet|#191f4161-014f-4820-a504-9de2fb90b566
Mostly Moist LawnMostly Moist Lawn<div class="ExternalClassB15769274B2E47F285BA61F783431334"><h2 class="uk-margin-remove-top">Creating a lawn​ tape​stry</h2><div class="glossary"> <p>Tapestry lawns create mixed plant communities that add depth and texture to the landscape. Plant choices can include various flowers, sc​ents and colourful foliage. These plants can produce over 20 times more flowers than turf monocultures, providing an excellent source of nectar and pollen for pollinators. Tapestry lawns can be mowed as few as 5 times per year, reducing CO<sub>2​</sub> emissions. They also don’t require de-thatching, moss killer, nor fertilizer, while staying greener longer during times of drought as they can absorb rainfall much quicker than common grass.</p></div></div>,|#012b3724-e536-48b7-8e32-e9a25921e278;L0|#0012b3724-e536-48b7-8e32-e9a25921e278|Mostly Moist Lawn;GTSet|#191f4161-014f-4820-a504-9de2fb90b566
Stingy with Water LawnStingy with Water Lawn<div class="ExternalClass16388C551DAA4AC59340E28896FCC0B9"><h2 class="uk-margin-remove-top">Creating a lawn t​apestry</h2><div class="glossary"><p>​Tapestry lawns create mixed plant communities that add depth and texture to the landscape. Plant choices can include various flowers, scents and colourful foliage. These plants can produce over 20 times more flowers than turf monocultures, providing an excellent source of nectar and pollen for pollinators. Tapestry lawns can be mo​wed as few as 5 times per year, reducing CO<sub>2</sub> emissions. They also don’t require de-thatching, moss killer, nor fertilizer, while staying greener longer during times of drought as they can absorb rainfall much quicker than common grass.</p></div></div>,|#94d3e2a3-9360-4125-b0d7-91fc303032f9;L0|#094d3e2a3-9360-4125-b0d7-91fc303032f9|Stingy with Water Lawn;GTSet|#191f4161-014f-4820-a504-9de2fb90b566
Stop Fighting It Moss LawnStop Fighting It Moss Lawn<div class="ExternalClass242FA1FAD75B45DCA47C3164FA042C7B"><h2 class="uk-margin-remove-top">Creating a moss l​aw​n<br></h2><div class="glossary"><p>Mosses are common in Metro Vancouver. They grow on rocks, rich organic soils, mineral soils and tree bark. These local, generalist mosses are also adaptable, which makes them good lawn substitutes. Generalist mosses prefer shady, sloping or undulating ground, exposed soils and rocks, and coa​rse woody debris. Most established mosses also persist under sunny and dry conditions, however, they may show signs of stress.</p><p>Other than the weedy, common lawn moss (Rhytidiodelphus squarrosus), the vast majority of mosses do not compete well with lawn grasses. Mosses don’t like heavily fertilized and limed soils and cannot compete with healthy grasses. So, you will need to choose, either turf-grass (with or without Rhytidiodelphus) or just moss. That means when preparing for a moss ‘lawn’, all turf-grasses and broad-leaved weeds need to be completly removed.</p> <br> </div></div>,|#8c6d475c-9e1a-4f99-a34b-8dbdda263c83;L0|#08c6d475c-9e1a-4f99-a34b-8dbdda263c83|Stop Fighting It Moss Lawn;GTSet|#191f4161-014f-4820-a504-9de2fb90b566
Thyme Saver LawnThyme Saver Lawn<div class="ExternalClass35075C9D12824C6E8BA2A355F9DECF0F"><h2 class="uk-margin-remove-top">Creating a thyme lawn<br></h2><div class="glossary"> <p>A lawn made from dainty yet tough creeping thyme is an opportunity to bring beauty to your garden while eliminating heavy maintenance and water requirements. </p></div></div>,|#dd92580c-9ae7-435a-add7-0ae08ed34435;L0|#0dd92580c-9ae7-435a-add7-0ae08ed34435|Thyme Saver Lawn;GTSet|#191f4161-014f-4820-a504-9de2fb90b566

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