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Spring SunshineSpring Sunshine<div class="ExternalClass77DF406601F244139D9586C6A49A09CD"><p>This container design is a larger version of 'Sunburst'. It is a good choice for a location that gets sun for more than half the day, and it doesn't need shelter from the wind.</p></div>,<div class="ExternalClass84A76694AE7A45739A2B38DECDA3434E"><p>To properly maintain your container, and for best results: </p><ul><li>Prepare the container with a good quality soil suitable for containers (e.g. 3-parts potting mix to 1-part well-rotted compost). There should be a minimum soil depth of 30 cm for perennials, 45 cm for shrubs and 60 cm for trees. </li><li>Every spring, apply 2.5 cm of good quality compost to your container (try not to pile it up around woody stems).</li><li>Remove weeds as required, and inspect for pests and disease every week or two in the spring and summer. </li><li>Ensure the container has adequate drainage and that plants receive a minimum of 5 cm of water weekly during the spring and summer. </li><li>Remove and compost 'spent' blooms and leaves in the fall.</li><li>Prune only to remove misplaced or damaged stems as needed during the summer. The plants suggested here should not require pruning to reduce size. </li></ul> </div><div class="ExternalClassE3D8D0FF29AC4BAA8ED21DF676AC1510">1. This presentation does not reflect coordinated flowering time. <br>2. Pot shown is approximately 1 m wide and 75 cm tall </div>,,



tall mahonia (Berberis aquifolium)tall mahonia (Berberis aquifolium)BaAs Shown1.00000000000000GP0|#7757279e-2604-47b6-b85e-52b6d61ba19f;L0|#07757279e-2604-47b6-b85e-52b6d61ba19f|Charity Hybrid Mahonia;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240dfGP0|#6d9f6b4f-8fa9-49b4-a861-8d155e286d2a;L0|#06d9f6b4f-8fa9-49b4-a861-8d155e286d2a|Tall Mahonia;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
dwarf lady’s mantle (Alchemilla erythropoda)dwarf lady’s mantle (Alchemilla erythropoda)ae35 cm2.00000000000000GP0|#4609c622-7904-4390-8b63-51d8945788bc;L0|#04609c622-7904-4390-8b63-51d8945788bc|Ladys Mantle;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240dfGP0|#539319fc-45da-4671-a49b-78638832036b;L0|#0539319fc-45da-4671-a49b-78638832036b|Dwarf Ladys Mantle;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
orange New Zealand sedge (Carex testacea)orange New Zealand sedge (Carex testacea)ct45 cm1.00000000000000GP0|#215fc5a5-2b3b-4aa2-a84b-696d73ef25b6;L0|#0215fc5a5-2b3b-4aa2-a84b-696d73ef25b6|Mexican Feather Grass;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240dfGP0|#7dde3b2f-ff95-48c4-b2e4-2253e5c445b7;L0|#07dde3b2f-ff95-48c4-b2e4-2253e5c445b7|Orange New Zealand Sedge;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
‘Frohnleiten’ barrenwort (Epimedium x perralchicum ‘Frohnleiten’)‘Frohnleiten’ barrenwort (Epimedium x perralchicum ‘Frohnleiten’)ep35 cm1.00000000000000GP0|#51eec6a6-1980-4e5c-a18c-c3a69787276b;L0|#051eec6a6-1980-4e5c-a18c-c3a69787276b|Sulphureum Hybrid Epimedium;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240dfGP0|#8e24232d-1ba0-4022-918b-dfed5c699c4c;L0|#08e24232d-1ba0-4022-918b-dfed5c699c4c|Frohnleiten Barrenwort;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
‘Biokovo’ cranesbill (Geranium x cantabrigiense ‘Biokovo’)‘Biokovo’ cranesbill (Geranium x cantabrigiense ‘Biokovo’)gc25 cm2.00000000000000GP0|#c3ec8895-dcb0-41a5-bcbe-90fd57c85497;L0|#0c3ec8895-dcb0-41a5-bcbe-90fd57c85497|Cambridge Cranesbill;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240dfGP0|#0cef046d-82bb-4dd7-b5ea-805b3a056b36;L0|#00cef046d-82bb-4dd7-b5ea-805b3a056b36|Biokovo Cranesbill;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df



Spring SunshineSpring Sunshine<div class="ExternalClass77DF406601F244139D9586C6A49A09CD"><p>This container design is a larger version of 'Sunburst'. It is a good choice for a location that gets sun for more than half the day, and it doesn't need shelter from the wind.</p></div>,<div class="ExternalClass84A76694AE7A45739A2B38DECDA3434E"><p>To properly maintain your container, and for best results: </p><ul><li>Prepare the container with a good quality soil suitable for containers (e.g. 3-parts potting mix to 1-part well-rotted compost). There should be a minimum soil depth of 30 cm for perennials, 45 cm for shrubs and 60 cm for trees. </li><li>Every spring, apply 2.5 cm of good quality compost to your container (try not to pile it up around woody stems).</li><li>Remove weeds as required, and inspect for pests and disease every week or two in the spring and summer. </li><li>Ensure the container has adequate drainage and that plants receive a minimum of 5 cm of water weekly during the spring and summer. </li><li>Remove and compost 'spent' blooms and leaves in the fall.</li><li>Prune only to remove misplaced or damaged stems as needed during the summer. The plants suggested here should not require pruning to reduce size. </li></ul> </div>

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