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Cornucopia of ColourCornucopia of Colour<div class="ExternalClass711BA72896834196B0E185AB830BCD4D"><p>​This garden bed design is a smaller version of 'Fountain of Colour'. It is a good choice for a location exposed to the elements, with full sun all day, and it doesn't need shelter from the wind. It can tolerate soil that stays fairly wet in the winter.​<br></p></div>,<div class="ExternalClassBF36F4C619EF46929BDA1EDC6B1017AD"><p>To properly maintain your garden, and for best results: </p><ul><li>Prepare the garden bed with a good quality soil. There should be a minimum soil depths of 30 cm for perennials, 45 cm for shrubs and 60 cm for trees. </li><li>Every spring, apply 5 cm of well-rotted compost or manure annually in the spring (try not to pile it up around woody stems).</li><li>Remove weeds as required, and inspect for pests and disease every week or two in the spring and summer. </li><li>Ensure plants receive a minimum of 5 cm of water weekly during the spring and summer. </li><li>Remove and compost ‘spent’ blooms and leaves in the fall. </li><li>Prune only to remove misplaced or damaged stems as needed during the summer. The plants suggested here should not require pruning to reduce size. </li></ul> </div><div class="ExternalClass01D4A575B8284E3784B878132B0D5596">1. This presentation does not reflect coordinated flowering time<br>2. Linear bed shown is 1m wide and 2m long </div>,,



Compacta' compact strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo ‘Compacta’)Compacta' compact strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo ‘Compacta’)AuAs shown1.00000000000000GP0|#e384d2c4-cd91-4368-8e62-cd5b9d34e484;L0|#0e384d2c4-cd91-4368-8e62-cd5b9d34e484|Thunderbird Evergreen Huckleberry;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240dfGP0|#876a1d47-9602-4216-b0d0-d3428d287036;L0|#0876a1d47-9602-4216-b0d0-d3428d287036|Strawberry Tree;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
'Claret' masterwort (Astrantia major ‘Claret’)'Claret' masterwort (Astrantia major ‘Claret’)am35 cm3.00000000000000GP0|#6bfa65f9-9d9f-45e0-9647-1c631665c607;L0|#06bfa65f9-9d9f-45e0-9647-1c631665c607|Great Masterwort;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240dfGP0|#3d9a59de-5d7d-439e-870a-0a7868f74eef;L0|#03d9a59de-5d7d-439e-870a-0a7868f74eef|Claret Masterwort;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
evergreen candytuft (Iberis sempervirens )evergreen candytuft (Iberis sempervirens )is35 cm5.00000000000000GP0|#386b1fd0-ca71-4c8a-a82c-5d724541a19c;L0|#0386b1fd0-ca71-4c8a-a82c-5d724541a19c|Mountain Rockcress;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240dfGP0|#d9147892-e881-4b4d-88ea-79114f2d630f;L0|#0d9147892-e881-4b4d-88ea-79114f2d630f|Evergreen Candytuft;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
'Caradonna' purple wood sage (Salvia nemerosa ‘Caradonna’)'Caradonna' purple wood sage (Salvia nemerosa ‘Caradonna’)sn45 cm3.00000000000000GP0|#44afadf2-7527-4ead-98ae-29bf97ebd991;L0|#044afadf2-7527-4ead-98ae-29bf97ebd991|May Night Wood Sage;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240dfGP0|#de150f1b-a738-43f3-8b72-e300c5f01b33;L0|#0de150f1b-a738-43f3-8b72-e300c5f01b33|Caradonna Purple Wood Sage;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df
'Emperor' tulip (Tulipa Fosteriana Group)'Emperor' tulip (Tulipa Fosteriana Group)t30 cm3.00000000000000GP0|#12507023-9916-4d42-94ce-17c5de13cbde;L0|#012507023-9916-4d42-94ce-17c5de13cbde|Darwin Tulip;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240dfGP0|#2bbce590-c759-4905-874f-286dcb163f95;L0|#02bbce590-c759-4905-874f-286dcb163f95|Emperor Tulip;GTSet|#a0f9ba82-91ba-47b1-939e-163458a240df



Cornucopia of ColourCornucopia of Colour<div class="ExternalClass711BA72896834196B0E185AB830BCD4D"><p>​This garden bed design is a smaller version of 'Fountain of Colour'. It is a good choice for a location exposed to the elements, with full sun all day, and it doesn't need shelter from the wind. It can tolerate soil that stays fairly wet in the winter.​<br></p></div>,<div class="ExternalClassBF36F4C619EF46929BDA1EDC6B1017AD"><p>To properly maintain your garden, and for best results: </p><ul><li>Prepare the garden bed with a good quality soil. There should be a minimum soil depths of 30 cm for perennials, 45 cm for shrubs and 60 cm for trees. </li><li>Every spring, apply 5 cm of well-rotted compost or manure annually in the spring (try not to pile it up around woody stems).</li><li>Remove weeds as required, and inspect for pests and disease every week or two in the spring and summer. </li><li>Ensure plants receive a minimum of 5 cm of water weekly during the spring and summer. </li><li>Remove and compost ‘spent’ blooms and leaves in the fall. </li><li>Prune only to remove misplaced or damaged stems as needed during the summer. The plants suggested here should not require pruning to reduce size. </li></ul> </div>

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